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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Birthstone Buying Guide

Ever thought how wonderful it would be to not only look beautiful but also be downed with loads of good luck. If you think I'm joking, well let me tell you I'm talking of birthstones and birthstone jewelry that not only look ravishing but also come accompanied with loads of good luck for the wearer. The wonderful arrays of vibrant and shimmering gemstones are harbingers of good luck and good times.

So if you want to look beautiful and get lucky at the same time then birthstone jewelry is meant for you. But first of all you need to know what your birthstone is, so here's a birthstone buying guide that will lead you to the right birthstone which will herald loads of good times.

Let us start at the beginning of the calendar year with January. The rich maroon garnet is the birthstone for all who celebrate their birthday in January while it is the alluring amethyst that is meant for all born in the month of February. March birthstone happens to be the peaceful aquamarine with its lovely luster while it is the shimmering diamonds that all who are born in April can happily indulge in.

The birthstone for the month of May happens to be the evergreen emerald while the pristine milky pearls are the birthstone for all born in June. The ravishing red ruby is the birthstone for the month of July while the pretty peridot is meant for all celebrating their birthdays in August.

The heavenly blue sapphire is said to bring loads of good luck for all who are born in September while for October born it is the intriguing opal. The birthstone for November is the sunny citrine while the stunning turquoise is for those celebrating their birthday in December.

So now that you have a full insight into what birthstone works best for you go right ahead and indulge in some wonderful birthstone rings. Gifting birthstones and birthstone jewelry to people who are close to you is also a good idea.

Keep one thing in mind when you go to shop for you favorite birthstone jewelry make sure to gather some information about the particular gemstone, it's characteristics and qualities that will help you make the right pick.

The Growing Popularity of Israeli Jewelry!

Israeli jewelry, Hebrew jewelry, Jewish jewelry and other religious jewelry products are in great demand these days. In USA and several other parts of the world, both men and women are buying these jewelry items. There is Israeli, Hebrew and Jewish jewelry articles available on the market made of pure gold, silver and other precious metals and alloys.

Israeli jewelry or Hebrew jewelry not only looks elegant and classy but also represents one's faith and utter belief in the religion. Religious jewelry is available in various kinds to express the love and devotion for one's religion. The main reason that has lead to the growing popularity of the Israeli jewelry, Hebrew jewelry or Jewish jewelry is the strong faith associated with this form of religious jewelry.

These jewelries possess special inherent power and helps in keeping the evil spirits and the evil influences away from the person wearing it. The person wearing Israeli jewelry or Hebrew jewelry may experience a remarkable improvement in the overall quality of their lives. It is also believed that by wearing these special kind of jewelry items, one can live smooth and easy life as well as can get whatever they have always dream of.

Despite being scattered around the world for many generations, the Jewish culture has been preserved miraculously. Various Jewish jewelry items and symbols have played an important role in maintaining the connection between Jews all around the world. Today contemporary Jewish designers give new interpretations to these traditional motifs that have kept the unity of the Jewish people.

September Sapphire Buying Guide

The beautiful sapphire as we all know is the birthstone for the month of September which means that whoever happens to celebrate his or her birthday in this particular month can usher in loads of good luck upon themselves by sporting a sapphire in any form of jewelry. Lucky they are, as they get to sport this wonderful gemstone by quoting the simple reason that sapphire is their birthstone but you actually don't need an excuse to indulge in some fine sapphire jewelry.

The basic fact that they are so impossibly beautiful is reason enough to go ahead and acquire some fine pieces of this sensational stone called sapphire. So whether sapphire happens to be your birthstone or not trust me, you will not regret in getting some fine sapphire jewelry for yourself. So here's a handy sapphire buying guide that will help you pick the right sapphire gemstone at the correct price, for gemstone knowledge is essential before you go ahead and make a purchase.

Like all other gemstones the most basic thing to keep in mind while shopping for sapphires is the color of the gemstone. Color is the most essential characteristic of all gemstones and sapphire is no exception to this rule. The ideal color of sapphires is a clear and vivid blue that is neither too dark nor too light. In fact the color should be uniform throughout the stone with no blotches of very dark or very light traces in it.

Sapphires like most other natural colored gemstones usually come accompanied with inclusions which are nothing but minor marks within the stone. The degree of inclusions varies from one stone to another. Although clarity is an important criterion while selecting a sapphire, this fact is often overruled by the more vital consideration of color. But one thing that can be said about sapphires is that color definitely pays a far greater role in its selection than clarity. So a sapphire that is included may still be considered sought after if it bears the right and desirable color.

Carat which is nothing but the measurement of weight in a gemstone and cut are the two other determining factors in a gemstone which again must be considered before buying a sapphire rings.

But one thing that must be kept in mind while buying any gemstone that too a sapphire is that you must listen to your heart and select the one that you love the most even if it falls a little short of the ideal standards.

Unforgettable Engagement Rings!

Engagement rings are the most exciting piece of jewelry for every woman. Many women get an engagement ring once during their lifetime and that is why this ring is very special for them. Even after many years that the woman gathers many prestigious diamond rings, gold earrings and silver chains, she still strokes her engagement ring with excitement. After all, there is a direct connection between the memory of getting engaged and the item that was received at that moment.

Tips for buying rings:

When a man is going to buy an engagement ring, he must visit various jewelry stores. Every shop has a wide selection of engagement rings. So how do you choose the right engagement ring?

• It is important to stick to a budget because It's easy to get carried away. You decided on an amount? Stick to it. What is the difference between a ring that costs 10 thousand dollars and the one that costs only 1 thousand? There are beautiful and affordable engagement rings.

• Pay attention to the dimensions of the ring. It's embarrassing to give a woman a ring that she can't fit on her finger. You can always replace or adjust the ring to the right size.

• Check the shop to see that you are buying in a good place with all the necessary certificates and licenses. It is very important to take a receipt of purchase and get a warranty. You should also pay attention to the label 'fair diamonds', which says that miners did not work under bad conditions.

Metals for engagement rings:

Materials of engagement rings are also very different. There are gold rings, white gold, silver and various alloys. Sometimes there is a combination of strong metals along with gold and silver to create an alloy that contains the advantages of several materials. While gold and silver are relatively soft metals and delicate, the Platinum is a much stronger metal and very durable. Some designers also combine a single ring of gold and silver so that two shades create the ring.

Custom Jewelry:

Engagement ring catalogs allow browsing through a variety of local and international models and find something for most jewelry lovers. Most jewelry stores offer a wide variety of necklaces, earrings and rings. Even if you can't find what you want you can of course go and order from a private designer something specific. Every man can ask a friend of his wife to accompany him and help him choose a ring. It is important that the ring will fit a woman's style.